네덜란드 생활/나의 이야기

네덜란드 신문에 실린 한국군인들...

seoyeoul 2013. 1. 14. 17:59


네덜란드 신문에 한국군인에 대한 사진이 실렸다고,

메일로 보내주셨다..

항상 편지봉투에 넣어서 우편으로 보내셨었는데~

요번에는 인터넷으로... 



Nederlandse tekst onder de foto:


PYEONGCHANG – Zuid-Koreaanse soldaten schreeuwen zichzelf moed in terwijl ze in de sneeuw staan. De

                                   manschappen waren gisteren op  koudweertraining op de berg Hawangbyeong bij

                                   PYEONGCHANG in het noordoosten van Zuid-Korea. Het land is formeel nog altijd in

                                   staat van oorlog met North Korea.


English Translation under the photo:


PYEONGCHANG  - South-Korean soldiers screaming  themselves in courage while they standing in the snow. The

                                   soldiers where yesterday on cold-weather-training on the hill Hawangbyeong near

                                   PYEONGCHANG in the northeast of South-Korea. The country is formally still in state

                                  of war with North_Korea.