네덜란드 여행/Limburg

Valkenburg - Velvet cave

seoyeoul 2010. 12. 14. 00:02

Velvet cave



홈페이지 : http://www.kasteelvalkenburg.nl/default.asp?id=267



Nice and cool in the summer and wonderfully warm in the winter, the Velvet Cave is a permanent 12 degrees Celsius year-round... naturally!


Visit the oldest cave (marlstone quarry excavation) in South Limburg...


Closely connected with the rich history of the castle ruin is the Velvet Cave, the network of passageways beneath the castle ruin. The Velvet Cave probably dates from the 11th or 12th century. Marl was mined from the cave by "block breakers" for use as a building stone in the construction of edifices like Valkenburg Castle. The result of this marlstone mining is an extensive labyrinth of old and rugged passageways.


In times of siege, the "secret passageways," which were only discovered in 1937, allowed the knights and their footmen to escape the castle and attack the enemy from behind or secretly bring supplies in.


One legend tells of the Brabanders (natives of Brabant) who, laying siege to Valkenburg, could not understand why celebrations were still being held inside the castle walls even after a long period of siege. Little did they know that the troops inside were being supplied via the secret passageways... from Brabant, where the siege armies would soon discover that their lands had been plundered in their absence!


The Velvet Cave has many secrets; discover a treasure trove of impressive wall murals, inscriptions, strange sculptures in the soft marlstone walls and a romantic chapel dating from the French period under Napoleon (18th century).


In the Second World War, during the German occupation, the cave served as a hideout for the people of Valkenburg and for the American troops. 

All these events have left their mark on this place, which we can still see today.

Follow your guide's lamp (accompanied by a lost, lonely cave bat) and enjoy the legends, stories, deep darkness and serene silence.


Combining a visit to the castle ruin with a journey to the Velvet Cave is a unique experience!

It's like going back in time...


벨벳 동굴의 원래 목적은 이암(marl stone)을 얻기 위한 채광이었다.
해수면보다 낮은 땅 네덜란드이지만 남부 림브르흐 지역은 '산'이라고 부를 정도의 구릉지대인데, 오래 전에는 여기가 바다 속에서 솟아오른 땅이다. 
그래서 네덜란드의 다른 지역과 달리 주변에서 쉽게 구할 수 있었던 이회암을 건축재료로 사용한 것이다. 
발켄브르흐 성곽 뿐 아니라, 도시 곳곳에 남아있는 오래된 건물들 역시 이 동굴의 이회암으로 지어졌다.

1937년에는 이 동굴과 연결된 미로가 발견되었는데, 중세 기사들의 비상 탈출구였다고 추측한다.
이암은 석회질 성분이 강해서 손톱으로 긁으면 부스러져 내릴 정도인데, 흥미로운 것은 이런 이암 동굴에 많은 그림들이 그려져 있는 것이다.

오래전 프랑스 점령 하에 있을때 피난소(카타콤 정도로 생각하면 될 듯)로 사용되었고,

제2차세계대전때에도 이 동굴은 유대인, 지역주민과 미군의 피난처였다고 한다.

이 캄캄한 동굴 안에 숨어서 지내는 동안에도 사람들은 흔적을 남기고 싶어했다.

숨죽여 지내는 동안에도 사랑하고 기도하는 절실한 마음과 생의 아픔을 새기고 싶었을 것이다.(퍼온글임)

Velvet Cave (guided tours) 2010
Guided tours
Closed until January 8
Open from January 9 until January 31
Monday until Friday
At 11.00 h. and 13.00 h.
February 1 until February 13
Monday until Friday
Saturday and Sunday
Closed on 14, 15 and February 16
February 17 until February 28
At 11.00 h. and 13.00 h.
11.00 - 15.00 h., on the hour
11.00 - 15.00 h., on the hour
Monday until Friday
Saturday and Sunday
At 11.00 h. and 13.00 h.
11.00 - 15.00 h., on the hour
April 1 and 2 
April 3, 4 and 5
April 6 until April 30 
At 11.00, 12.30, 14.00 and 15.30 h.
11.00 until 16.30 h., each half hour
11.00 until 16.00 h., on the hour
MAY Every day 11.00 until 16.00 h., on the hour
Every day
11.00 until 16.00 h., on the hour
JULY Every day 10.30 until 17.00 h., each half hour
Every day
10.30 until 17.00 h., each half hour
September 1 until September 5
September 6 until September 30
10.30 until 17.00 h., each half hour
11.00 until 16.00 h., on the hour
October 1 until October 15
October 16 until October 24
October 25 until October 31
11.00 until 16.00 h., on the hour
11.00 until 16.00 h., each half hour
11.00 until 16.00 h., on the hour
Closed November 1 until November 18
November 19 until November 30 Christmas market
December 1 until December 23 Christmas market
Closed December 24 and 25
December 26 until December 31 
11.00 until 15.00 h., on the hour


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