공부/기초 영문법

7. present continuous (현재진행형)-1

seoyeoul 2009. 12. 29. 16:46

7. present continuous (현재진행형)-1





  You / We / They


  He / She / It



① spelling rules

* 대부분의 동사 : -ing

work → working, buy → buying

* 끝이 -e로 끝나는 동사 : -e를 없애고 -ing

take → taking, write → writing

* 자음을 한 번 더 쓰는 경우

- 1음절 단어 중에 단모음+단자음일 경우

run → running, swim → swimming, get → getting (but open → opening)

- 2음절 단어로 2음절에 강세를 가지며 단모음+단자음일 경우

begin →beginning, forget →forgetting


② Use

* 현재진행중인 것

Where's John? In his room. He's doing his homework.

You're speaking too fast for me.

* 한시적인 것

We're learning about trees this week.

My brother is staying with friends in London until he finds somewhere to live.

* 바뀌는 것 (점점 추워진다~ 키가 자란다~)

The hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger.

The number of pupils in the school is falling.

* 현재진행형이 미래를 대신하는 경우(will이나 미래시제를 쓰지않고..)

We're flying to Spain on a school trip next month.

I am seeing the head teacher after class.


③ 현재진행형 or 현재형?

* It rains a lot in Scotland.(habitual situation)

* Put on an anorak. It's raining. (now)

* Scientists do experiments to test their theories.. (always true)

* Scientists are doing experiments to see if there is life on Mars. (currently)

* She speaks French and German. (She can speak these languages.)

* Wait a minute, she's speaking to someone on her mobile. (now)


④ 현재진행형에 안 쓰는 동사들(한시적일 수가 없기 때문에..)

believe, like, hate, prefer, want, depend, love, know, remember,

forget, mean, need, understand.

* She doesn't understand the formula. NOT She isn't understanding this formula.

* Excuse me, What does this mean? NOT What is this meaning?

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