12. Past continuous -1
① Form
* 과거진행형 (was / were + ing)
'과거에 ~하고 있었다.' 로,
과거의 어떤 시점(말하는 때)에서 진행하고 있었던 동작을 나타낸다.
affirmative | ||
I She He It |
was |
cleaning. |
You We They |
were |
* 진행형으로 잘 안 쓰는 동사들.(주로 감정을 나타내는 단어)
believe, like, hate, prefer, want, depend, love, know, remember, forget, mean, need and understand.
② Use
* It was raining on Monday so we didn't play football.
* He was driving to work when the accident to it!
* They were listening to the radio.
* You were speak too loudly.
* We were watching TV last night.
* I was shopping.
* She was eating pizza.
'공부 > 기초 영문법' 카테고리의 다른 글
14. present perfect simple (0) | 2010.01.29 |
13. Past continuous -2 (0) | 2010.01.15 |
11. Past simple - 2 (0) | 2010.01.14 |
10. Past simple - 1 (0) | 2010.01.06 |
9. asking questions - present (0) | 2009.12.31 |